Friday, January 23, 2009

I was just thinking....

I was just thinking that today would be a great day to get our referral. And I actually have several reasons for thinking so. First of all, tonight we will be seeing Brad's parents (whom we don't see that often). After that he and I and some good friends are heading out to Dripping Springs to a winery and restaurant for dinner, and so it could be like a celebration. Also, tomorrow we are going up to Austin with the family for a prolife rally and are planning to go to the Ethiopian restaurant for the 1st time when it is over. So, I was just thinking that today would be a good day....
I think I'll just sit here with my phone and stare at my computer. Just kidding. But seriously, I am sooo distracted!


Elisabeth said...

I am so distracted for you! I keep checking your blog and everyone else ahead of you!!

I hope you meet your little one soon!


ashley said...

That wold have been a great day for a referral. I think it always happens when your least expecting it, we got ours while going through security at the Denver airport. We had no internet and had to wait until we touched down in Austin to get the rest of the info on Bennet. It was such an incredible experience, so exciting!! Did you go to the Ethiopian rest.? I cant say that I'v missed the injera, or whatever the spice is thats in every dish!! Not really my food of choice, it must have to grow on you, bennet loves it!